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Username and Password Reset for Nevada Unemployment

username and password reset for nevada unemployment

Welcome to the State of Nevada Unemployment Insurance online claim filing system.

This post is part of a series of tutorials that were created to help you navigate UI NV, Nevada’s online portal for unemployment benefits.

Here in this article, we will show you the steps to retrieve your username and set your password.

How to Recover Your Nevada UI Username and Password

To begin the process of recovering your username, visit the website,

Username and Password Nevada UI

Click on the “For UI Claimants” tab:

for ui claimantes username and password reset nevada unemployment

Now click on the “Sign me up as an existing applicant” link at the top right of the page:

for ui claimants username and password reset nevada unemployment

Reset username

On the “Claimant Login” screen, click the “Forgot your username?” link:

claimant login forgot username nevada unemployment

It is important to know that you will need your username to set your password. To retrieve your username you must provide the information on this screen:

claimant registration username nevada unemployment

All information in the spaces is required. Check the information and if everything is correct, press “Submit” to continue.

Your username will appear on the screen. You should write it down and save it for future use. Press “Go to back login” to return to the home page. You may now begin the process of logging in to your account using the username you created.

Reset password

In this part of the tutorial, you will begin the process of resetting your password. Enter your username and press “continue”. Click the “Forgot your password?” link.

claimant login forgot your password nevada unemployment

You must provide the answers to all three questions in your personal security profile. Each question will appear individually on one screen, so enter your answer and press “enter” to advance to the next screen. Enter your new password in the space provided and press enter.

reset password nevada unemployment insurance online

You must enter your password a second time to confirm.

When you have reset your password, you will receive a message that your account has been updated and you can now log in using your new credentials.

Username and password changed

Congratulations! You have successfully recovered your username and reset your password.

claimant login new username and password nevada unemployment insurance online

For more tutorials on Nevada’s unemployment, we encourage you to check out our entire website. Here you will know in detail every step you have to take according to the situation you are in.

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