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How to File a Biweekly Claim – Pennsylvania

biweekly claims pennsylvania

Did you file your initial UC claim? Here’s what to do next!

After you file, you will receive a confirmation letter in the mail. Inside will have your 4 digit PIN # neccesary to the file your biweekly, and a date when to file your first biweekly claim.

Biwwekly claims should be done every two weeks!

This will confirm your unemployment status for the weeks you´re filing and requests payment for the two weeks you didn´t work or for reduced hours!

The best way to file your biweekly claim is online!

Explaining the Biweekly Claim

Similar to working for 2 weeks + getting a paycheck a couple days/weeks later. UC works the same way.

After the weeks are over, you tell them if you were unemployed and then they send payments.

biweekly claims pennsylvania

No matter which day you submit your new claim application sunday through saturday. Your claim will be effective sunday.

+ remains in effect for 1 year, with anywhere form 18-26 full weeks of payment.

Two sundays later, you will use you PIN to certify. If you were unemplouyed for those first 2 weeks and answer several questions. You will do this either online or by using PAT, + you have from sunday through friday of that week to complete your filling.

Continue filing every 2 weeks until you´re no longer unemployed or your benefits are exhausted/expired.

File a Biweekly Claim – Step by Step

After you have submitted your initial application for UC benefits or reopened an existing application, now is the time to submit an application for each week you are totally or partially unemployed.

Your week at UC

A week for UC purposes begins on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday. The end date of the compensable week (CWE) is always a Saturday.

In most cases, you will file claims for two weeks at a time. This is called a “bi-weekly claim. Although you will file two weeks in a row, you will certify your eligibility for each week separately.

The biweekly filing can be done using the following methods:


The best way to file your claim biweekly is online from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Sundays, and from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. To do this you must first go to this website:

Once inside, you click where it says “File a Biweekly Claim”:

file a biweekly claim pennsylvania

By phone

Use the PA Teleclaims (PAT) automated system by calling 888-255-4728, 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Sundays, and 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday.

TTY Services

At the following link you will have more information about TTY services:

If you are eligible for benefits, you should receive your first benefit payment within four weeks after the effective date of your application, provided you file your biweekly claims on time.

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