This is the summer with the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the weekly claim process.
Weekly claim can be filed two ways by internet at or by phone by calling 1-8000-555-1554.
After you´ve filed your application for benefits, you must file a weekly claim in order to receive benefits.
Each week begins on Sunday at 12:01 a.m. and ends on Saturday at midnigth.
You cannot file a weekly claim until after the week is over. If you have attempted to file before the week has ended, your claim will not be accepted.
You can begin filing your weekly claim on Sunday for the previous week.
On the website, you will enter your Social Security Number and your four-digit PIN to login:
Once you have logged in, you will see your contact information and a list of choices below. Since we are filing a weekly claim, we are going to select “File A Week”.
This will now prompt the weekly claim process to begin. It will advise you that continued weeks may not be filed until after the week has passed. Your weekly claim will not be completed until you select the certify answers button at the end of the weekly claim filing.
The enext screen will advise that you must provide true and correct information to unemployment. Intentionally provide false information is considered fraud.
You will now be asked if you have read the reemployment assistance for the unemployed booklet and if you understood the information contained in the booklist.
If you do not understand the information contained in this booklist, it will provide you with contact information to speak to some representative.
The system will now ask if you wish to file for first we available on your claim.
The system will now ask if you are able and available to work during the week you are filing.
The system will now ask if you performed work during the week in which you are filing which you were or will be paid for. If you answer “Yes” to this question, it will now prompt you to enter the amount earned before deductions.
You will not include severance holiday pay, bonuses, vacation or retirement pay. It will also ask the number of hours worked during that week.
The next question asked if did you receive severance pay for the week in which you are filing. If you answer “Yes”, it will then prompt you to enter the amount of severance paid before deductions.
The next question will ask if you are entitled to holiday pay for the week in which you are filing. If you answer “Yes”, it will ask for the holiday pay before deductions.
The system will now ask if you have received bonus payment for the week you are filing for benefits.
It will then ask if there has a change in the amount of profit-sharing retirement or pension payments previously reported during the initial claims process.
It will now ask if you refuse to work quit a job or were discharged form work during the week in which you are filing.
The system will now ask have you made the required number of work search contacts during the week in which you are filing,
One of the last screens shown will indicate the answers you have provided during the claims process. Please read through these questions and your responses carefully before hitting certify answers by submitting answers to questions that are incorrect. This can cause a delay in payment for your weekly claim or your ability to file weekly claims going forward.
You will now see a confirmation page, stating that your claim has been filed for the week provided and it has been accepted in this being processed.
It will also say if you have completed filing for all available weeks. If you have more available weeks not yet filed, the system will proceed with the additional dates.
Afull list of questions asked during the weekly claim process can be found in the reemployment assistance for the unemployed booklet located on the website
As a reminder, weekly claim filed 15 or more calendar days after the week has ended are considered untimely and in most cases will not be paid.
Congratulations! You have filed your first weekly claim. You must file weekly claims for the weeks you are requesting benefits failure to file weekly claims will result in no payment being made for that week. If you have additional questions or need assistance, you can reach out via the virtual agent at