To review your correspondence, respond to a notice or file an appeal.
Go to
Click “I am an Unemployed Worker”.
Click “Log In to My Unemployment Insurance Account”.
Read the release of information, then click “I agree” to continue.
Under the Claimant login section, enter your SocialSecurity number in the SSN text box. Do not enter Spaces or dashes. Enter your eight digit numerical Pin here. Click Login.
Claimant Main Menu – View Notices and Determinations
This is the claimant main menu screen. You will see this each time you log in.
From this screen, you can file a weekly claim for benefits.View and respond to Notices and determinations update personal information such as address, phone number, email, et cetera.View claim details including remaining balance of benefits and payment history. You may also view your reemployment activity deadlines and navigate to Click view notices and determinations.
All notices that have been sent can be viewed in the correspondence inbox. These include claim instructions, requests forinformation, determinations or decisions, payment notices, and other claim related correspondence.
Please note when you have mail in your unemployment correspondence inbox, you will receive an alert in your personal email. Check that inbox often, at least every other day, to ensure that you read and respond to all correspondence.
Pay special attention to thered envelopes on this screen.
They indicate that the communication has a deadline for reply, as shown in the Action Needed by column. If you miss a response deadline, your benefits may be denied. This is why we recommend viewing the correspondence in your inbox at least three to four times per week.
New Claim Instruction Sheet
It is very important to view your new claim instruction sheet and refer to it for important deadlines regarding your claim. Select your new claim instruction sheet. Click view details.
Your contact information appears here in the red highlighted sections. Please review it for accuracy. The contact information for your processing center is highlighted here in yellow. The link to the Workers Guideis highlighted here in blue.
The Workers Guide contains details about unemployment rules and policies. Information about filing your weekly claims, including yourfirst filing date, is down in “File Weekly Claims”. Be sure to review this section closely.
Next, on the instruction sheet shown here in theyellow box, you will find your work search requirements. The text in blue will explainhow you can receive payment. It includes a contact number for the US Bank debit card. If you need to change your bank information, please refer to the Workers Guide.
The following page shows your reemployment activities requirements. Pay close attention to the deadline dates for your required activities. It will be to your advantage to complete these activities as soon as possible, to assist in your work search, and also to ensure that your benefits are not interrupted.
As noted on the last screen, failure to complete the reemployment activities by thedeadline shown above may stop your unemployment benefits until the activity is completed.
View and or respond to a request for information
To view and or respond to a request for information, select the button next to the notice you wish to view, then click View Details.
Note that the indented paragraphs offer details about the request.
If you wish to respond online, select the first radio button. If you wish to print out the documentand respond by fax or mail, select the first button and click on View Printable Version.
For this example, select the first option and click Next. Answer each question completely in the text boxes provided. Be sure you have completed all the questions by clicking Next to View All screens.
If you wish to include attachments, documentation andor supporting evidence, use the Browse button tolocate the file you wish to attach.Then click Add to upload the document.
After providing complete responses to all questions,certify that your answers are true andcomplete by checking the box. Then select Certify. This message box provides the warning that you will be unable to provide additional information or attachments once your information is certified, please consider this before clicking on the OK button.
If you would like to submit something after clicking OK, you must contact your processing center. The telephone number for your processing center can be found on your new Claim instruction sheet.
When you have finished responding to the request for information, you will be returned to your correspondence in box. If any additional issues require a response from you, they will automatically show here. From here, you can select to return to the Main menu.
How to File an Appeal to a Benefit Determination
Now we’re going to show you how to file an appeal to a benefit determination. From the main menu, select the button for View Notices and Determinations.
Next, select the determination you wish to appeal.
Click view details.
If you wish to view this determination, click the View Printable Version button as shown here. If you disagree with the determination, click the File Appeal button to continue.
Be sure the determination number displayed on the top of the File an Appeal screen is the determination you want to appeal. If you do not require interpreter assistance, select no. In the text box, enter the reason you are filing the appeal. Be as specific as possible. The text box is limited to 1500 characters, so if you have additional information or attachments to include with your appeal statement, you may use the AddDocument section. To finalize and certify your appeal statement, select the checkbox, then click the Certify button.
You will be unable to add additional information or attachments once certified. Be sure you are satisfied with your response before clicking OK.
Note: You will still be able to mail or fax additional information to the address and fax number located in the Appeal Rights section of your determination.
Click the Main menu button to return.If you have questions, more information canbe found on can also call 1877-644-6562 or for the hearing impaired, the TTY line is 1614-387-8408.