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How to File Weekly Claims on South Carolina

How to File Weekly Claims on South Carolina

Welcome to your bridge your benefits. This tutorial will show you how to return to the system each week to file for your weekly Unemployment Insurance Benefits.

In order to do this, you must have created a username and password for the new system as well as completed the initial UI claims process which gathers your employment history. If you have completed any of these steps and need assistance, you can see our other tutorial to help you get started.

Ir oder to claim weekly benefits, you will need to file each week that you wish to receive payment. Benefit weeks begin on Sundays at 12:01 a.m. and end on the following Saturday at midnight.

You can only file for benefits for weeks that have been completed and then you have up to two weeks to file for that week. If you are eligible to file for multiple weeks, you must complete each week individually from start to finish and file the weeks from earliest to latest.

If there is a break in filing for two weeks or more, your claim will be inactivated. Let´s get started!

SC Unemployment Portal:

south carolina unemployment on mybenefits login

account login on sc unemployment to file weekly claims

On the login screen, enter your username and password and click “I am a human”. Then click the login button.

The system will display a message about using the new portal. Please read the information and then click the check box to accept the terms of use. This will make the continue button active to click to the next page. If you click “Cancel”, you will be returned to the account login page.

terms of use unemployment insurance system on sc unemployment to file weekly claim

Weekly Certifications

The system will display the customer menu screen. You will see smart links in the middle of the page for actions that are able to completed for your account. Please notice that you will only have the certify weekly benefits link if a weekly claim is available to file.

customer menu on sc unemployment to file weekly claim

When you click the link, you will be directed to a page with important reminders. Review these and then click “Next”.

claimant homepage to file weekly claim on sc unemployment

Eligible Weeks

This is the eligible weeks screen and it will list the week or weeks for which you are abel to file for benefit payments. Available weeks that have not been filed will be indicated on the right.

One you file, the week will remain on the screen but will have a completed status it is a processed after which that week will be removed from the screen. Click “Yes” or “No” to confirm whether or not you worked for the week. Please note this includes temporary on-call and part-time employment.

eligible weeks to file weekly claim on sc unemployment

If you do wish to file for the week but did not complete additional work, then the system will treat this as a regular filing for a weekly claim. If you wish to file for the week and you did work during the week, you will answer some additional questions about your work for the week on the next screen. Click “Next”.


In next section is where you will find a list of questions about the week for which you are certifying. Additional questions may appear depending on your answers. Once you have completed this screen, you will click Next.

file weekly certification on sc unemployment


This screen gives you the opportunity to review all of your answers to confirm that they are correct. Make sure to use the scroll bar to view information at the bottom of the page. If the system has identified any issues that could impact your eligiblity, they will be displayed in the text at the bottom of the screen.

If you need to correct an answer, you can click to do so which will return you to eligible week screen or you can click “My answers are correct”.

summary confirm answers on sc unemployment to file weekly claim


When you arrive at the weekly certifications agreement screen, you will need to read all of the notes. Click “Back” if you need to return to the confirm answer screen, click “I Do Not Wish To Certify At This Time” to return to the claimant home page and complete your weekly certification at a later time, or click “I wish to Certify” which we will do now.

agreement the submit to file a weekly claim on sc unemployment


Now at this point, your certification is oficially filed. However, you will not receive a confirmation number if you need to complete any additional fact-finding. If this is the case, the system will give you the option to view a fact-finding screen where you will need to click the fact-finding links and provide answers to any questions on the screens.

If there are no issues with your claim or you have completed all fact-finding, you will get a confirmation screen including your confirmation number for you claim.

confirmation number to file weekly claim on sc unemployment

Please note that you may need to use the scroll bar to view additional information at the bottom of the screen. On this page, you will be able to see any issues that may be delaying payment or the status of the claim.

status claim on weekly certification at sc unemployment

If there are additional weeks for which you are able to file, you will see a file “My Next Weekly Claim” button. Clicking that button will take you back to the eligible week screen. Please make sure to read all the notes at this bottom of the page and you will also have the opportunity to print the confirmation page, return to you claim at home page or log off the system.

Return to Claimant Homepage

If you return to the Claimant Homepage, you will see several tabs at the top of the screen which will help you navigate through the site including a confirmation history tab where you can sure your certification was recorded.

confirmation history to file weely claim on sc unemployment

On this screen you will see the date and time that you filed as well as the confirmation number. If you return to the customer menu screen, you will notice that the hyperlink to certifiy weekly benefits has been removed as there are no additional certifications to file at this time.

weekly certification process on sc unemployment

You have now completed the weekly certification process. If you have any challenges while filing for unemployment insurance, please call TelClaim:

  • 1-866-831-1724

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