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How to Apply for Pua Benefits | Florida Unemployment

how to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment

Welcome to the Pandemic Unemployment Application or PUA tutorial in the State of Florida. This tutorial will walk you through the steps necessary to seccesfully complete your PUA application in the connect system.

This tutorial is only intended for those who have applied and/or received a pin for the connect system.

What is PUA ?

PUA is a federal program that pays benefits to individuals not elegible for state Reemployment Assistance (RA) benefits, who have become unemployed as the direct result of a pandemic.

Before Applying for PUA

If you have not filed at all and you believe you are elegible for state or federal benefits, please visit: to complete an application.

file a claim application unemployment florida

If you filed a claim prior to April 5, 2020, and received a monetary determination of “Ineligilbe”, you will need to re-apply for state Reemployment Assitance to determine if you are now monetarily elegible for state benefits; if not you will receive a message in CONNECT to apply for PUA.

re apply for unemployment florida

If you filed a claim on or after April 5, 2020, and CONNECT has given you a monetary determination of “Ineligible”, then you should check CONNECT for a message to apply for PUA.

inelegible apply for PUA benefits florida unemployment

Once processed, you will receive a message in your CONNECT portal to apply for PUA only if you received a monetary determination of “Inelegible”.

Applying for PUA Benefits

This section provides instructions on how to apply for PUA benefits in CONNECT. Please remember, if you have not yet applied for Reeunemployment Assistance benefits in CONNECT, you must apply for benefits first.

To begin an application for PUA, click the Apply for PUA Benefits hyperlink on the top left of your CONNECT home page.

apply for pua benefits hyperlink connect page florida unemployment

On the next section, answer whether you´re filing as result of COV-19, select your County from the dropdown menu and then click Next.

emergency to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment

Contact Information

In this section you will verify thath your existing contact information in CONNECT is correct and then click Next. If edits need to be made click the edit button at the bottom of the page. Complete the edits and then click Next.

contact information to apply for pua benefits on florida unemployment

Payment Method

On this section you will need to confirm your payment method and tax withholding options are correct and then click Next. Again if edits need to be made click the edit button. Complete the edits and then click Next.

confirm payment method to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment


On this section of the application you will need to answer all the required questions and complete all required fields to move forward. If you fail to complete any required fields the system will  alert you with an error message at the top of the page. When all required fields have been completed, click Next.

questions to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment

Identify Affected Employment

In this section you will need to select checkbox nex to all employment that was affected by the pandemic then add any employment, if needed, or click button stating that all afected employment is listed. Then, click Next.

If needed add any additional affected employment by selecting the employment or scheduled employment not listed radio button and provide all necessary information. However if all afected employment is listed and selected click the radio button stating that all affected employmentis listed.

identify affected employment for pua benefits florida unemployment

Base period employers

On this screen you will need to review all your base period employment and add any missing employment by using the dropdown menu at the bottom of the screen. Once complete click Next.

base period employers to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment

Annual Income

On this screen report your income by selecting the appropiate form from the dropdown menu, answer the question on oint filing and then click Next.

annual income to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment


Here you will need to enter you annual income information and clik Next.

annual income information to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment

Eligibility Information

Here you will need to answer all the required eligibility information questions. Click Next.

eligibility information to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment

A series of acknowledgement statements

On this section you will see a series of acknowledgement statements. Click the checkboxes next to each statement to agree and then click Next.

a series of acknokledgements to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment

Review and Confirm Application

Next you will need to review the application and modify any necessary information. Then click the chekbox next to the acknowledgement statement and enter you social security number. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the screen.

review and confirm application to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment

Finally, once the application has been reviewed, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Submit.

click submit to apply for pua benefits florida unemployment

PUA Claim Confirmation

The confirmation screen has the time and date stamp of the submission and a Preliminary Benefits Estimate. Then, click Next.

pua claim confirmation florida unemployment

You PUA application has now been succesfully submitted. Continue to log back in to connecto to check the status of your claim. Thank you for taking the time to complete this tutorial.

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