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Which groups will receive 2 million ‘plus-up’ or supplemental stimulus checks this week?

Which groups will receive 2 million 'plus up' or supplemental stimulus checks this week

The sixth batch of the $1,400 stimulus check includes 700,000 ‘plus-up’ checks targeted to individuals who were sent a smaller deposit than they were entitled to by the IRS.

As of April 21, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is sending two million additional $1,400 stimulus checks to taxpayers who received less than the amount they were eligible for.

The new round of payments includes a batch of 700,000 supplemental or ‘plus-up’ checks for people to whom the IRS had sent a check for a lesser amount.

This is a new batch of money sent to compensate you if you did not receive your money despite meeting the eligibility requirements according to your 2020 tax return.

The ‘plus-up’ checks began to be mailed as of April 16, however they have an official payment date of April 21, the IRS said in a statement.

The new batch will deliver a $1,400 stimulus check to individuals for whom the IRS did not have information but who recently filed their tax return.

The IRS is also sending 600,000 stimulus checks to Social Security and Supplemental Security Income recipients who experienced a delay because of an administrative problem.

Of the 2 million stimulus checks sent out during this round, 900,000 were direct deposited into a bank account and about 1.1 million were sent through the postal mail service by the IRS.

The agency confirmed last week that it will continue to send more supplemental or ‘plus-up’ checks on a week-by-week basis.

If you have not yet filed your taxes, this is a good reason to do so and receive the money you are entitled to from the three coronavirus support deposits that have been approved by Congress.

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