The plan also proposes between $3,000 and $3,600 per child per year.
If President Joe Biden’s new stimulus package is approved, an eligible family of three could receive $3,400 in immediate assistance.
That includes $2,800 for a couple and $600 for a child.
Senators on the Budget Committee are still reviewing the final plan, but children and dependents could get between $500 and $600.
In addition, Chairman Biden is proposing an extension of tax benefits for families with children, which would require the IRS to deposit checks for $300 per month per child under age 6.
It would also require depositing $250 per month per child from age 6 to 17.
That would equate to between $3,000 and $3,600 per year in income for families, depending on the age of the children.
President Biden is even seeking to make this program permanent, but at least Republicans reject the bill outright.
Democrats have not gone into detail on the issue, but are expected to remain on the same page as Biden, given recent meetings at the White House.
There is no date for passing the stimulus package, but Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) advanced that it would take “weeks” to prepare the bill and then pass it on the floor.
Once the plan is finalized, a quick vote is expected, since they will not be looking to convince the Republicans.