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6 grants in addition to the $1,400 stimulus check

6 grants in addition to the $1,400 stimulus check

While the $1,400 stimulus check is the most popular part of the Biden Administration’s economic rescue plan, there are many other provisions for food, rent, e.g.

The $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan” being pushed by President Joe Biden’s Administration to address the economic crisis unleashed by the coronavirus includes several bailout programs, aside from the $1,400 stimulus check, that, if approved, will mean more money in the pockets of recipients.

One of the most talked about in the media is the extended unemployment benefits every week.

The second stimulus bill, passed last December, provided for additional federal payments of $300 until March 14.

More weekly unemployment money

Under the new proposal being considered by members of Congress, the $400 per week benefit would be extended through August 29.

The provisions contained in the version currently before the Senate also include the extension of two pandemic unemployment programs that apply to self-employed workers or independent contractors. Under Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, assistance would be extended to 48 weeks; while the extension of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance would be for 74 weeks.

Although the unemployment rate has fallen considerably since April’s 14.7%, the weekly number of unemployment benefit claims, even in the final months of the year has remained above 700,000, according to the most recent statistics from the federal Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Food stamps

Biden’s bill also includes a 15% increase in benefits for SNAP recipients through September instead of expiring in June.

Under the section of the bill, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) included in the December stimulus package that seeks to put food on the table for millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet is extended.

The initiative also includes investment for food incentives for U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico and to adjust the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) to make more low-income people eligible.

Pandemic EBT Program

Families with children whose schools are closed will be able to receive benefits from the Pandemic-EBT food program during the summer.

This initiative provides funds to offset the free or reduced-cost meals that children receive at school.

This benefit, which has been distributed to more than half of U.S. school children across the states, provides between $250 and $450 per student, depending on the length of time school is closed.

Rent and utility payments

The Biden Administration’s stimulus plan also provides about $19.1 billion to states and local governments to redirect to low-income households to cover rent and utility bills.

Of that amount, $10 billion will go to homeowners who cannot afford to pay mortgages or property taxes.

Another $5 billion is to be directed to people at risk of losing their homes.

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