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Filing a Weekly Claim for PUA in Oregon

filing a weekly claim for pua application in oregon

PUA is a program under the pandemic aid relief and Economic Security or Cares Act of 2020, that provides unemployment assistance to workers who are not eligible for regular unemployment insurance or UI compensation.

If you have filed a claim application for PUA, you will need to submit weekly claim reports for each week your are requesting benefits. This tutorial will walk you through how to submit your weekly claim reports.

How to file a Weekly Claim for PUA

Before you begin completing your weekly claim report, make sure you save the form to your device and open it directly Acrobat or Acrobat Reader if possible.

weekly request for pua application on oregon unemployment form

This allows you to tab through tha application easily. The filiable PDF form will not automatically save. It is strongly recommended that you periodically save data entered into a form by using the save button on the form, or by clicking file Save or Save as:

save weekly request for pua application form on oregon unemployment

After you´ve completed the application, save a final version of the file to your device and view it to ensure all fields are complete. Let´s go through the weekly request for PUA together.

Please provide you full name and customer identification number, also known as the CID. You can find your Customer Identification Number (CID) on any document Oregon Department Employment sent you.

If you do not your number, you may obtain this by contacting the unemployment insurance contact center or a local WorkSource Oregon office.

unemployment section to contact with oregon unemployment

unemployment insurance contact center with oregon unemployment to pua application

You will be asked to verify your identity before your CID is given. Be prepared to provide your Social Security Number, date of birth, and other verification information that may be asked.

In order for the department to know what week you are requesting to claim, you must provide the first and last day of the week you are claiming.

week claimed for pua application on oregon unemployment

Remember, our week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. For example, if you want to claim for the week of April 22nd you would list Sunday April 19th 2020 and Saturday April 25th 2020.

weeks on oregon unemployment to appy for pua

To avoid a delay in your request being processed, please verify the dates you have provided are correct prior to submitting your request for benefits.

Section A – Self-Employment

Please complete the questions listed in this section if you worked in self-employment during the week you are requesting benefits.

Did you perform any work related to your normal self-employment during this week?

Answer YES if the work performed was related to your self-employment. Gross Payment Received, whether services were performed during the week or not.

If you answer YES to the question and above, provide your gross pay for this week, whether services were performed during the week or not.

applicant request to the self employment on oregon unemployment to apply for pua

Question 2 – Was this work performed in an effort to RESUME your normal self-employment activity?

Answer YES if your performed your regular self-employment job duties.

Answer NO if you engaged in any other self-employment activites not related to the normal or regular self-employment work you had been performing.

Section B – Employment

Please complete the questions in this section if you performed work, other than self-employment during the week you are requesting benefits.

If you were not self-employment, did you do other work during the week claimed?

Answer YES if you performed work unrelated to self-employment. This could include work as an employee of a business or gig economy work.

Number of Hours Worked

Enter the total hours you work during the week in which you´re requesting benefits.  If you do not have a set schedule, you will need to keep track of the hours you work so you can accurately report it on your weekly claim.

GROSS Amount Earned, whether payment has been received

If you are employed as an employee, report any earnings you will receive form work performed during the week, regardless of whether you have received the pay. For example, if you earn $150 in gross pay each week, but you are paid at the beginning of each month, you will report $150 on your weekly claim.

Section C – Complete the information requested in the payment box below if you answer “Yes” to any questions in item 1 below

Did you apply for a receive:

Question number one has four sub questions:

Any insurance payments for loss of wages due to illness or disability?

Any payments form private income protection insurance?

Any payments of a supplemental unemployment benefit?

Were any amounts payable to you from any retirement, pension, or annuity payments from a plan contributed or maintained by an employeer you received payment from in 2019?

If you Answer YES to any of these questions, you must also complete this section and report the details of each payment.

section c to complete week request pua application on oregon unemployment

Were you able and available for work during this week based on our state requirements?

Answer YES if you were able and available for work based on the Oregon Employment Department´s current temporary rules.

If you are unsure, select the blue hyperlink on the application to review number three and number five of the Employment Department´s temporary rules during the pandemic.

temporary rules to filing week requesto for pua application on oregon unemployment

Are you currently impacted by the pandemic public health emergency?

Answer YES if you are currently impacted by the pandemic. Answer NO if you are not currently impacted by the pandemic.

If YES, explain in the space below how you are currently impacted by the pandemic public health emergency.

Did you refuse any work during any of the weeks claimed above?

Answer YES if an employer offered you work but you refused, regardless of the reason.

Applicant Certification

Please sign your name and date your application. Without your certification, Oregon Employment Department cannot process your request.

It is important to make sure you claim your benefits each week you wish to receive payment.

You can find more information about the pandemic unemployment assistance program by visiting the web page:

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