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How to Make an Unemployment Insurance Tax Payment

how to make an unemployment insurance tax payment in kansas

In this tutorial you will have a guide to making a payment for your quarterly wage report and unemployment tax.

3 Ways to Make a Payment

Let’s begin with the three ways you can make an unemployment tax payment to Kansas:

  1. ACH Debit
  2. ACH Credit
  3. Official Payments

ACH Debit

The ACH debit is paid by accessing your account through the website Click on “EMPLOYER LOGIN”. You must login with your account. If you do not have an account, click on “CREATE USERNAME AND PASSWORD”.

employer login to make an unemployment insurance tax payment with ach debit in kdol

After you login, you will be in “What would you like to do?” page.

what would you like to do page to make an unemployment insurance tax payment in kansas unemployment

This page allows you to:

  • Maintain Account Information
  • Reporting New Hires
  • File Quarterly Wage Reports and UI Tax Returns
  • Make Online UI Tax Payments

Yo make a payment select the button for make payment or view payment voucher:

make payment or view payment voucher in kansas unemployment

A KDOL unemployment tax payment voucher will appear. In the middle of the payment voucher you would select “Pay Online”.

kdol unemployment tax payment voucher in kansas unemployment

This will bring you to two methods of payment. Option 1: Electronic Check or Option two: Credit Card. Note that a transaction fee will be included with the credit card option. Select the option that fits you then fill in your bank or card information.

two methods of payment to make an unemployment insurance tax payment in kansas unemployment

Then select continue at the bottom of the screen once complete.

method of payment to make an unemployment insurance tax payment in kansas

Confirm your payment amount then click “make a payment”. Verify the amount and date for the payment to be taken out then click Yes to confirm.

verify payment amount to make an unemployment insurance in kansas

ACH Credit

Another option for payment is by ACH credit. For this option you will need to be in contact with your banking institution and the Kansas Department of Labor.

To build an electronic file for ACH credit payments contact with KDOL:

  • 785-296-5027

This is to obtain the necessary banking information from KDOL. Please have your Employer Serial Number and FEIN available at the time of the call.

The file layout for ACH credit is located on the website at: at the bottom of the page.

file layout for ach credit to make an unemployment insurance tax payment in kansas

Official Payments

The final payment option available is official payments. This option is through a 1-800 number where you can make payments for any state of Kansas tax including your unemployment tax. The number to call is:

  • 1-800-272-9829

official payments to make an unemployment insurance tax payment in kansas

  1. Select option 2 (pay state taxes)
  2. Enter jurisdiction code (2611) followed by #
  3. Select option 1 for unemployment tax
  4. Enter your employer account number (6 digit unemployment tax serial number)

If you have any question, please go to: to review the frequently asked questions.

Thank you for reading and remember we are here to assist you throughout this process.

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