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The groups of individuals who will first receive the third $1,400 stimulus check are as follows

The groups of individuals who will first receive the third $1,400 stimulus check are as follows

It all depends on what information the IRS has on you in their records.

The key to knowing whether you won’t have to wait long to receive the third stimulus check being assessed to the U.S. Congress lies in how you received the first two and the information you have provided to the IRS.

Check deposited to your account

If you received the above payments in the first two to three weeks after the stimulus bills were passed by direct deposit, you will most likely receive the third one the same way.

Those who provided that information to the IRS are in the group of beneficiaries who receive the so-called “Economic Impact Payments” first.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recommends submitting that information as part of your tax return this year so that the third stimulus check can be processed more quickly.

Money on a Direct Express card

For beneficiaries of government programs such as the Social Security Administration and Medicaid, the direct deposit rule also applies. That is, if they receive benefits through direct deposit, they are supposed to receive priority for remittances.

In some cases, the aid will come via Direct Express Card if that is the way they regularly receive government funds.

Stimulus check via “EIP Card”.

Following the above process, the IRS will begin sending payments via prepaid debit card or “EIP Card.” In the second round, 8 million plastic payments were processed. Officials did not specify on what basis they selected the recipients. In the first round, the number of EIP Cards processed was 4 million.

However, hundreds of thousands of recipients had to request a replacement because they mistook the federal government mail that arrived in their mailbox for junk or fraudulent material because of the generic image on the envelope.

Mailing paper checks

Next, the IRS will focus on the mailing of paper checks. The process for some beneficiaries may take much longer than expected, and some will have to do additional paperwork if they changed their residence and did not inform the IRS, or because of errors in their bank account.

Here you can read about six possible reasons why you still haven’t received your second stimulus check.

As part of the second round of stimulus checks, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sent out more than 147 million payments in less than two weeks.

The date of Jan. 15 was the date set under the Coronavirus Relief and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, passed in late December, for sending out most of the payments.

That period is less than the period committed in the first round under the Coronavirus Assistance, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act when it took the agency at least three weeks to make the first deposits.

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