Signing in to for the first time and completing your new account.
Go to
New Account – Ohio Means Job
Click for job seekers.
Select unemployment claimant.
This screen provides an explanation of the reemployment activity required requirements.
Click here to sign in for the first time and complete your Ohio Means Jobs account.
To log in for the first time, use your username and temporary password sent to you from the Office of Unemployment Insurance Operations in two separate mailings, and then click Sign in.
Your temporary password can only be used the first time you log in. You must change your password immediately after logging in. Your new password must:
- Be at least 8 characters, but no more than 20 characters
- Have at least one capital letter but not all capital letters
- Have at least one number and at least one symbol.
Enter your new password.
When finished, click submit.
Your password has now been changed and you must log in using your new password.
Create Account Information
Now complete the Create Account Information.
Some information has already been completed based on your unemployment application.
Please note that completing this information is for the purpose of new registration and does not satisfy the Reemployment activity requirement to upload or create a searchable and public resume. Also note that the examples used inthis tutorial are for demonstration purposes only. Information that you enter must accurately reflect you and your experiences.
The career information is already filled in. Again, please note that this information is for the purpose of new registration and does not satisfy the Reemployment activity requirement to upload or create a searchable and public resume.
Click Save and continue to navigate to the next page.
Complete the career plans information. Answer the questions to help determine your future career plans.
Click Save to complete your registration.
You have successfully set up your account with
You can now sign out by clicking on your name and selecting Sign Out. Or, you can click on My Profile and continue your required reemployment activities. Your profile is the launch page for any activity within
All works can be saved here for future reference. It is the place to organize your transcripts and certificates for easy retrieval. It will help you keep track of job searches and applications and shows how many employers have viewed your resume.