Welcome to the Nevada State Unemployment Insurance online claim submission system.
This is the second in a series of posts designed to help you file an unemployment claim online at https://ui.nv.gov.
The first article focuses on registering a new applicant, and in this one we will show you the steps to apply for your benefits.
After completing your registration, you are ready to apply for benefits and make an initial claim. If you have just completed your registration as a claimant and are on the “Benefits Estimated” screen You can skip ahead in this tutorial to the “Benefits Estimator” screen.
To do this from the home page, from the official website, click on the “For Claimants” tab.
Applying for Your Benefits From Nevada Unemployment Insurance
To do this from the home page, from the official website, click on the “For Claimants” tab.
Then click on the “Existin Claimant Sign in” link at the top right of the screen.
On the next page enter the applicant self-service portal known as css, using the username you already established.
Then enter your password and press “Enter”. Click on the “File a New Unemployment Insurance Claim” link to begin the process of making an initial claim.
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Estimator
Review and verify the information on this screen. Press “Continue to File Claim” to continue.
Initial Filing
Read the following questions carefully and select the appropriate answers. Before continuing, be sure to check that you have provided all the answers and answered them correctly. When you are ready to continue, press “Next”.
The sentences that are in blue letters are links that provide you with more information. If you have any questions, please continue to answer the rest of the questions in this section. When you are finished, press “Next”.
Employment history & last employer
To continue now you must review and provide additional information about your employment history. Your most recent employer should automatically appear on this screen. If your employer does not appear, press “Add Nevada Employer” to enter it manually. You must enter the type of employment and the respective dates of your most recent employment. Your penultimate employer may be required. Press “Next” to continue.
If more than one employer appears, the system will display the following “Connection Separation Information” screen for each employer. If this screen was displayed, click on the “Provide Additional Information” link for each of the employers listed.
On this screen, called “Separation,” complete all the required information.
In the “Reason Employment Ended” space, select the most appropriate separation reason to describe why you stopped working with that employer. Answer all questions correctly and press “Next” to continue.
The “Other Separation” screen asks you for additional information regarding your separation and the eligibility of your claim.
Work Search
On this screen, you must provide information regarding your occupation and also your availability to work.
When you have answered all the questions, press “Next” to continue.
The “Summary” screen shows all the information you provided on the previous screens. Review this information carefully before continuing.
If you need to change any information, each section has an “Edit” or change option, which will allow you to navigate in the appropriate screen and make the necessary changes. Before submitting the claim form, print this information for your records and press “Next” to continue.
Submit Claim
Be sure to read the legal information on the “Submit Claim” screen and select the appropriate options. If you are ready to submit your claim, press “Yes, I add-File my Claim”.
If you are not ready to submit your claim, you can press “No, I do not agree”. The information you enter will be saved for 7 consecutive days and you can return to the system within that time to submit a claim. If there are any issues with your complaint you will need to complete the fax finding or investigation by clicking on the link to the right of each issue.
File Claim Confirmation
If there are no issues with your claim, you will be directed to the next screen which will be “File Claim Confirmation”.
This screen contains your confirmation number as well as additional information you will need to begin filing your weekly benefit claim. You are encouraged to print this page for your records. Congratulations! You have completed your initial claim for unemployment benefits.
Now that you have submitted your initial claim, you should file a weekly claim starting the first Sunday after your initial claim. For instructions on how to file weekly claims, see the third article in this series.