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How to Claim Your Weeks of Unemployment Benefits

How to Claim Your Weeks of Unemployment Benefits Michigan

How do I get paid my unemployment benefits? In order to be paid your unemployment benefits, you must first certify or report by answering questions.

This can be done either through your MiWAM account, which is the preferred method, or by calling Michigan Automated Response Voice Interactive Network, otherwise known as MARVIN at 1-866-638-3993.

Claim For Weekly Benefits on Michigan

To certify a report online, you will go to your MiWAM account and click the link ‘you have benefit weeks that have not been certified – Click here to certify’, which can be found under the account alerts.

process to claim weekly benefits michigan unemployment

After clicking the link, you will be asked a series of yes or no questions for each week. Please read each question carefully before you answer.

certification filling weekly benefits michigan unemployment

After clicking next step, you will be asked to review and submit. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation page. Click ok to go to the next week. Repeat the same process for your second week.

confirmation weekly benefits michigan unemployment

Once you have completed your certifications, you will see your next scheduled appointment week under the account alerts. The payment will be issued to your chosen payment method within 7 to 10 days after your certification, if there are no issues. Please monitor your MiWAM account for updates..

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