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Weekly Claim Voucher in Indiana Unemployment

Weekly Claim Voucher in Indiana Unemployment

Welcome to How to File Your Weekly Voucher Tutorial. Sign in to your account.

Weekly vouchers for unemployment insurance benefits are available each week beginning Sunday at 12 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. You will have until 8:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Saturday of each week to complete the voucher.

The uplink claim and self-service homepage will be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. However, you will not be able to file weekly vouchers between 9 p.m. and 11:59 Eastern Standard Time on Saturday of each week. If you have a pending appeal, you are still required to submit timely vouchers each week.

File Voucher

Select “File Voucher”

file voucher to the weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment

Please, allow sufficient time to complete your weekly voucher. Read each question thoroughly before responding.

Select the radio button for the week you wish to file. Click “Continue”.

voucher filing to the weekly claim on indiana unemployment

Notice the ticker at the top of each page. This keeps you alerted as to how much time you have left to complete your weekly voucher.


Below the ticker is a progress bar that will show you where you are in the voucher filing process as you complete each module.

progress bar to the weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

The progress bar will change colors.

Please, pay close attention to the dates that correspond to the voucher you have choosen to file. All of the questions of the weekly voucher, pertain only to the specific dates listed on the screen above.

Answer “Yes” or “No” to whether you would like to file for benefits for the week noted on the screen. Click “Continue”.

voucher introduction to file you weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

Employment History

For the next few screens in this module, you will be asked questions regarding any employment you may have had during the indetified period of time.

What you need to know

Employers that have reported wages under your social security number are displayed throughout this module. If you have had employment that is not listed during this voucher week, you will have an opportunity to add it later.

Have the information listed on the screen such as your employment dates, your reason for separating from your employers and your check stubs on hand when entering these questions.

what you need to know in employment history on indiana unemployment insurance

Again, it is important to read each question carefully and answer the questions accurately as mistakes can lead to a delay in your benefits or to corrections that may cause overpayments. Select “Continue”.

Select “Yes” or “No” and click “Continue”.

dates in employment history to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment

Step 1: Review Employment History Timeline

The screen lists any employers you may have worked for in the past. Review all of the information for accuracy. Select “Yes” and “continue”.

review employment history timeline to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment


Affirm that you have reported all employment sense that aid shown on the screen. You cannot move forward until you affirm that your employment history is correct.

employment history summary to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

Once you affirm that your employment history information is correct, you will receive a warning advising knew that if you need to return to the section and make changes. You will be required to provide additional information about any employment you have had.

Select “I´m ready. Continue”.

advice in employment history summary to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance


You are required to report all money you have received or will receive from any employer for the time period noted. This includes vacation, holiday or severance pay. Select “Continue”.

what you need to know in income to file weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

Throughout the process of filing your weekly claim voucher, you will receive warnings about failing to report all wages. You must report all earnings during the time period in question. Failure to disclose this information will result in a fraud investigation and the creation of an overpayment on your claim. Select “I understand. Continue”.

warning caution in income to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

Self-Employment Compensation

You are required to report all self-employment compensation for the time period noted. Click “Continue”.

self employment compensation to file a weekly claim vouche in indiana unemployment insurance

Other Income

If you receive any income other than wages from any employers listed on the screen, select “Yes” and answer all follow-up questions. Otherwise, select “No” and “Continue”.

other income to file a weekly claim vouche on indiana unemployment insurance

Strike or Stub Pay

If you receive stub pay or strike paid during the time period noted, you must report it by answering the questions on the screen above.

strike or stub pay in income to file a weekly claim vouche on indiana unemployment insurance

Government Assistance Income

If you received or will receive disability payments or social security payments that you did not previously report during your claim filing, you must report those payments by answering the questions on the screen above.

government assistance income to file a weekly claim vouche on indiana unemployment insurance

Pension / 401k / Retirement Pay

Answer “Yes” or “No” to yhe question about 401k, pension and retirement plans. If you select “Yes”, answer all follow-up questions.

401k pension and retirement plans to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

Please, review your answers to all of the questions about your income during the time period noted. If you need to correct your response, select “Edit” in the section that is in need of a correction.

review answers to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

When you are finished, affirm that all of your answers are correct and click “Continue”.

You must report all earnings, income and other payments to the department. Failure to do so will result in a fraud investigation and the creation of an overpayment on your claim. Select “I understand. Continue”.

warning to review answers to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment

Ability to Work

In orde to receive unemployment benefits, you are required to be able to work full-time and to be available to accept full-time work if a position were offered to you.

what you need to know in ability to work on indiana unemployment insurance

For the next series of screens, you will answer questions about whether you are able and available to search for an accept full-time work.

Check all of the following that apply to the corresponding week

Select of all the statements that apply to your ability to search for and accept full-time employment or select none of the above if applicable. Select “Continue”.

check all that apply in ability to work on indiana unemployment insurance


Review your responses to the ability to work summary. You may make any necessary changes yo your answers by selecting edit. When you are certain that the information on the screen is correct, check the box that affirms your answers and select “Continue”.

ability to work summary to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance


Union Hiring Hall

If you are a member of a Union Hiring Hall, select “Yes” to the question above and answer the follow-up questions. Union Hiring Hall members who already completed information about their hiring halls during the initial claim filing will see that information on the screen above.

union hiring hall in miscellaneous to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

If your union dues paid through the date has changed, please update that information here. You will no longer be required to send in a copy of your union dues paid receipt, but a request for verification will be sent to your hiring hall. Click the Continue button.

Offer of Work

Here, you will answer questions about of auric you received during the voucher period. If you were offered work at any time during the dates shown on the screen, select “Yes” and answer all follow-up questions. Click “Continue”.

offer of work in miscellaneous to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

Requirement to search for full-time work

In order to receive unemployment benefits, you are required to complete at least three work search activities for each week in which you are a claiming benefits. The list of activities they qualify as work search requirments are available when you click on the link “here”.

requirement to search for full time work to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

Activities that qualify include attending a job fair, attending a work one workshop completing a career related assessment and interviewing for a job to name a few. You must keep your own log of your work search activities as you may be required to submit this information to the department at any time. You may also visit the Indiana Unemployment website for more information about your work search requirements.

If you have a valid work search waiver on file with the department due to your union hall membership enrollment in training approved by the department or job attachment as determined by the department. You are not required to complete work search activities.

Verify/Submit Voucher

Benefits Rights Agreement

You must read the benefit rights agreement carefully. Knowingly and willfully concealing material fact or intentionally making false statements in connection with filing your weekl voucher is a federal offense and is a punishable by fines or imprisonment or both. In order to proceed, you must type your initials in the box and select “I agree” and the Continue button.

the benefits rights agreement to verify submit voucher to file a weekly claim on indiana unemployment insurance

Claimant Information Summary

This screen provides a summary of all your answers to the weekly voucher questions. Please, check your answers carefully and edit any section where information is not correct. As this will be your last opportunity to make changes before submitting your voucher.

claimant information summary to verify and submit voucher to file a weekly claim on indiana unemployment insurance

Affirms the answers provided are true and accurate by typing your name in the signature box. Select the “I affirm. Submit my voucher.” button.

affirm and submit the voucher to file a weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment

Congratulations! Your weekly voucher was succesfully submitted. If you have any questions regarding the claim filing process, please refer to the claimant handbook. Click the Claimant hompage button.

weekly claim voucher succesfully submitted on indiana unemployment insurance

You may now logoff:

logoff to end session in weekly claim voucher on indiana unemployment insurance

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