Welcome to the How to File a New Claim Tutorial. Log on to your claimant account in “TO DO” box on your claim at home page select “File a New Unemployment Insurance Claim”
Go to: unemployment.in.gov
Go to Claimant Self-Service:
Enter with your account.
What You Need You Know
Please, read all of the information on this screen thoroughly as it contains important information about unemployment insurance claim filing process.
The claim filing process may take more than an hour to complete and you will need to have information about your recent employers and any income you have received or will receive on hand. Read each question thoroughly before responding as failing to answer accurately will affect or delay your benefits.
Note: If you do not complete tis claim by Saturday at 8:59 p.m. of the current week, your claim will be deleted and you will lose the ability to claim this week of benefits.
After you have gathered all of the required information, please select Yes.
The claim filing process, you will see pop-up warnings about providing accurate and honest information. The Indiana Department of Workforce Development criminally prosecute individuals who commit unemployment insurance benefits fraud. Failure to answer all questions thruthfully, will result in a delay in your benefits a fraud investigation and overpayment of benefits on your account, you will not be able to move forward until you select “I understand. Continue”.
Throughout the filing process, you will notice a ticker at the top of each page. This keeps you notified as to how much time you have to left to complete your claim. Below the ticker is a progress bar that will show you where you are in the claim filing process, as you complete each module the progress bar will change colors.
Claim Introduction
Benefits in Another State
Please, pay attention to the time period noted in the question on this screen. If you filed for benefits in another state within the past 52 weeks, you may not eligible to file in Indiana because you may only file for benefits in one state during 52 week period. You may try to file again once you´re out of state claim expires.
Your answer to this question will be verified with the other state at the completion of your claim filing. Select the radio button that corresponds to your answer and then select “Continue”.
Worker´s Compensation
Please, answer “Yes” or “No” to the worker´s compensation question. If you received worker´s compensation during a specific period of time, you will be asked a seried of follow-up questions. Please, have information and records pertaining to your worker´s compensation on hand.
Select “Continue”.
Employment History
What You Need To Know
For the next few screens in this module, you will be asked questions regarding all of the places you work during the time period noted. Employers that have reported wages under your social security number are displayed thourghout this module, have the information listed on the screen such as your employment dates, your reason for separating from your employers and your check stub on hand when answering questions.
Again, it is important to read each question carefully and answer the questions accurately as mistakes can lead to delay in your benefits or to corrections that may cause overpayments. Click “Continue”.
Employer´s History
All employers who have reported wages under your Social Security Number are displayed on this screen.
Review all of the information for accuracy. You will be asked to submit information about each employer listed here. If you have employment that is not listed, you will have an opportunity to add that employment later. Click “Continue”.
The first employer will be displayed. Choose “Continue” to proceed.
At the top of this screen, you will see your employers legal business name and employer business activity which may be different than then name on your check stubbs or W2. Answer Yes or No regarding your employment with the entity displayed on the screen. Select “Continue”.
Select a statement that best describes the reason that you are given for separation from this employer. You must elect one of the options on the screen. The red text provides additional information regarding that situation.
Please note if you hover your computer mouse over the underlined blue text, additional information such as a definition of a term will appear based on the reason you selected on the previous screen. You may be asked additional follow-up questions about tue details of your separation from the employer listed at the top of the screen. Select “Continue”.
Answer “Yes” or “No” to the questions accordingly and click “Continue”.
Start and Separation Dates
Answer the questions about your start and separation dates with the employer listed at the top of the page. Enter your earliest approximate start date meaning the earliest date you started working for the employer. Enter your separation date. As well, you may enter the date manually mm/dd/yyyy or click the calendar to enter a date.
Click “Yes” or “No” on the next question an click “Continue”.
Rate of pay
Answer the questions about your rate of pay, normal work schedule full or part-time status and title with the employer listed at the top of the screen. Click “Continue”.
Type of Employment History
If you have had employment with an Indiana employer since that eight indicated on the screen and that employment is not listed on this page, select “Yes” and answer all follow-up questions. If you have served in any branch of the military sense that eight indicated on the screen, select Yes and answer all follow-up questions. If you have had employment with a federal agency since that eight indicated on this screen, select “Yes” and answer all follow-up questions. If you have had employment outside of the State of Indiana sense that eight indicated on the screen, select “Yes” and answer all folow-up questions.
Step 1: Review Employment History Timeline
The Employment History screen contains all of your employment history detailed in an easy to view timeline. Please, review this information carefully to make sure it is complete and accurate. If any information is incorrect or if you need to add an employeer, select edit or the add button that corresponds to the type of employment you need to add.
When finished, select “Continue”.
Please, review your answers to all of the questions about your employment history. If you need to correct any of your responses, select edit in the section that is in need of a correction. When you are finished, affirm that all of your answers are correct. You will not abel to move forward until you affirm this information. Click “Continue”.
Once you have affirmed your employment history information is correct, you will be advised that if you need to come back to the employment history module to make changes additional information will be required. Select “I´m ready. Continue”.
The following screens will ask you about income you have received or receive form your most recent employers.
It might help to have a recent check stub on hand when answering the following questions. You must report all earnings, income and other payments to the department. Failure to do so will result in a fraud investigation and the creation of an overpayment on your claim.
Self-Employment Compensation
You will need to report all self-employment when you file your weekly voucher. Click “Continue”.
Report all money you received from the employee are listed above from any of the sources listed when you select the type of compensation received, you will be able to enter the gross amount received. If you click on the question mark, there will be a brief explanation about that selection. If you did not receive any compensation, select the box indicating that you will not or have not received any payments listed.
Strike or Stub Pay
If you receive sub pay or strike, you must report it by answering the questions on the screen above. Click “Continue”.
Goverment Asistance Income
If you received disability payments or social security payments, you must report those payments by answering the questions on the screen above.
Pension / 401k / Retirement Pay
Answer Yes or No to the question about 401k, pension and retirement plans. If select “Yes”, answer all follow-up questions.
Income Summary
Review all information on the income summary screen to make sure it is accurate and complete. If you need to make changes, select “Edit” in the section that is in need of a correction. When you are finished, affirm that all of your answers are correct and click “Continue”.
Ability to Work
In order to receive unemployment benefits, you are required to be able to work full-time and to be available to accept full-time work if a position were offered to you. For the next series of the screens, you will answer questions about whether you are able and availbale to search for and accept full-time work.
Check all of the followwing that apply
Select all of the statements that apply to your ability to search for and accept full-time employment or select none of the above. If applicable, click “Continue”.
Review your responses to the ability to work summary. You may make any necessary changes to your answers by selecting “Edit”. When you are certain that the information on the screen is correct, check the box that affirms your answers and click “Continue”.
Union Hiring Hall
You are a member of a Union Hiring Hall, select “Yes” to the question above and answer the follow-up questions. If your union dues paid through the date has changed, please update that information here. You will no longer be required to send in a copy of your union dues paid receipt, but a request for verification will be sent to your hiring hall.
Federal and State Taxes
Employment Insurance benefits are subject to both federal and state income tax. If you would like federal and state taxes be deducted from your weekly benefits, select “Yes”. We will withold 14% of your benefits for tax purposes, 10% for federal and 4% for state. You will not be able to change this election for the duration of this claim. For tax reporting purposes, IRS Form 1099 graham will be available on your claim at homepage in late January for the previous year´s benefit.
Selection cannot be edited once you submit your claim. Click “I understand. Continue”.
Your Occupation
Answer the questions above the type of occupations you are seeking. Select “Continue”.
What is your occupation?
Enter your most recent occupation. If you are unable to find an exact match, select one the best represents your occupation. Click “Continue”.
Rate of Pay
Enter the lowest rate of pay you would be willing to accept if you were offered a full-time position and you whole dollar amounts only. Do not enter a decimal. Click “Continue”.
Enter the number of dependents you have. This information will not affect your benefit amount. Click “Continue”.
Filing Location
Yes or No regarding whether currently in the state of Indiana. Click “Continue”.
Entire Benefits
Read the entire benefits rigths agreement carefully. It contains important information about your responsabilities and obligations in connection with applyinf for and receiving unemployment insurance benefits. You are also required to read the claimant handbook which contains detailed information about unemployment insurance procedures.
Each section will turn green after initialing and clicking “I agree”.
Verify Submit Claim
Verify you claim of information and make any needed edits at this time. Enter your name in the signature box to acknowledge the accuracy of the information. Click the “I affirm. Submit my claim” button.
Congratulations! You have succesfully submitted your claim. Please the next steps if needed and read the claim and handbook for more information about the unemployment insurance process.