Based on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, this is what would raise the minimum wage in the state of the sun. This is what the increase will look like.
As every year, the minimum wage in Florida will show a small increase, which is calculated by the state’s Department of Economic Opportunity, based on the “percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for the Southern Region.
U.S. Elections: Minimum Wage May Increase $10 by September 2021
It should be noted that, according to Florida’s minimum wage law, this increase must be valid and apply to all workers in the state who are covered under the law.
When will the minimum wage in Florida go up and how much will it be?
For this 2021, the minimum wage in the state of the sun will rise from $8.56 per hour to $8.65 per hour; that is, there will be an increase of .09 cents. This increase will be effective January 1, 2021.
What happens to employees who receive tips?
The situation is different for tipped employees. In the state of Florida, the minimum hourly wage will be $5.63. You need to keep in mind that if you have the federal tip credit, then $3.02 will be deducted.
It is worth mentioning that, in order to apply for this federal tip credit you must verify your eligibility through the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Similarly, citizens of the Sunshine State should be aware of the ballots when casting their votes in this presidential election, as they will be voting on a proposed Amendment 2, which seeks a $10 increase in the minimum wage, to take effect in September 2021.
After that, the minimum wage would increase by one dollar every subsequent September 30, until it reaches $15 (September 30, 2026). However, as already mentioned, this will be put to a vote, so nothing is confirmed yet.