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What to Expect After Applying for Unemployment Insurance

What to Expect After Applying for Unemployment Insurance in arizona

The Arizona Department of Economic Security, or DES, knows that is a challenging time for many Arizonans who have experieces layoffs, temporary layoffs, or decreased work.

If you have lost your job due to no fault of your own, you should apply as soon as possible to receive a weekly stipend of…

  • $240 per week
  • For up to 26 weeks

… to supplemental lost income while you search a job.

The fastest and easiest way to apply is online at

If you do not have internet access, call 1-877-600-2722

If you were impacted by the pandemic in any of the following ways, you should apply for Unemployment Insurance Benefits:

  • If your employer has permanently or temporarily closed or drastically reduced operations due to the pandemic
  • If you cannot work because you need to be quarantined and you do not have any paid leave to take
  • If ou left employment due to a risk of exposure and are a member of a populaton that is particularly susceptible to the pandemic
  • If you left employment to care for a family member who has been infected with the pandemic
  • If you were separated from work for any other reason related to the pandemic.

What Happens After I Complete The Application Process?

Within approximately one week of filing your initial claim, you will receive information from DES in the mail. Please print, sign and return the Certificate of Understanding to the addrees or fax number listed on the form.

If the DES needs more information to process yor claim, they will mail you a questionnaire to complete and send back.

In most cases, unemployment funds wull be issued within 21 days and received through:

  • Direct Deposit or..
  • Electronic Pay Card

Sign up to receive your funds through direct deposit at

Are there more requirements I need to meet After I Apply?


To maintain benefits, claimants including those impacted by the pandemic are required to file a weekly claim by visiting the online claim system at

The week starts on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday. Applicants are encouraged to review the guidance provided in the online claim system by hovering over the queston mark icon inmediately adjacent to each required question.

help to the weekly claim in arizona unemployment

You are automatically registered on Arizona´s largest job database, Arizona Job Connection at

By completing your registration you can create a digital resume, search for jobs, and get matched with hiring employers.

What Will DES do?

DES will review the information yo submitted, request additional information when needed, and then will mail yo a statement indicating your eligibility status. Arizon At Work staff can provide you with no-cost job assistance to help you get back to work.  You can learn more about the services available to you and view a list of jobs with inmediate openings by visiting at

Additional information about Arizona unemployment benefits can be found by visiting or in the Guide to Arizona Benefits handbook that you will receive in the mail.

DES in commited to serving clients thourgh difficult times. With a significant increase in unemployment insurance applications, it may take additional time to process your application. So, your patience is greatly appreciated.

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